Tax Policy Challenges Highlighted in Forbes Opinion Editorial

Date: September 04, 2024

Dunkelberg illustrates the challenges of creating tax systems

What it means: NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg’s Forbes editorial reflects a common attitude towards taxation: it is complicated and onerous for small business owners.

Our take: NFIB has always been a proponent of Congress mitigating tax burdens on small businesses. NFIB continues to ask Congress to stop the massive tax hike on 9 out of 10 small businesses by passing the Main Street Tax Certainty Act 


The 20% Small Business Deduction levels the playing field for small businesses. Urge Congress to make it permanent before it expires in 2025. 



With inflation still a top issue, small businesses continue to look for ways to ease their cost burdens. In his latest Forbes opinion editorial, NFIB’s Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg illustrates the complex tax system that small businesses and individuals must navigate. This reflects a broader commentary on tax policy and public attitudes towards taxation. 

“All of these problems are tied to government, directly by way of taxes and regulations, or indirectly as it relates to labor quality,” said Dunkelberg. “…The upcoming election will soon reveal how economic and social policy will soon change again.” 

NFIB continues to educate members of Congress and small business owners on the need to make the 20% small business deduction and lower tax rates permanent. Read the full opinion editorial in Forbes for more on how taxes affect small business.  


Make the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent before it expires in 2025. 

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