NFIB Sends Letter to Congress Supporting Repeal of OSHA Walkaround Rule

Date: June 05, 2024

The letter supports the repeal of the OSHA Walkaround Rule, which poses a threat to small business as it raises concerns that the walkaround rights will facilitate union organizing

What it means: The OSHA Walkaround Rule violates small business owners’ property rights and facilitates union intimidation. Repealing the Walkaround Rule means businesses won’t be required to allow union representatives to accompany OSHA inspectors during worksite investigations. 

Our take: “OSHA’s Walkaround Rule does nothing to increase worker safety, but rather, it provides unions a foot in the door to non-unionized small businesses that they would not otherwise have,” said Dylan Rosnick, NFIB Principal of Federal Government Relations. 


NFIB sent a letter of support for legislation that would repeal the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Walkaround Rule. OSHA finalized a “walkaround” rule in April that enables a partisan union representative to accompany OSHA inspectors during worksite investigations, even if the businesses are non-unionized. 

NFIB joined a lawsuit because this rule exceeds OSHA’s statutory authority and conflicts with the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). In addition, OSHA did not prepare the required regulatory flexibility analyses required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA). NFIB’s goal is for a full repeal of the rule. 

For more information, go to the press release here. 

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