New Ads Urge Congress to Stop the Massive Tax Hike

Date: August 15, 2024

Ads will be run in 24 states across radio, digital, and video.

What it means: NFIB is releasing ads urging Congress to stop the massive tax hike on small businesses by making the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent. 

Our take: If the Small Business Deduction expires at the end of 2025, it will mean a massive tax hike on 9 out of 10 small businesses. This would ultimately lead to job losses, lower wages, and an economic slowdown. 


Make the Small Business 20% Reduction Permanent.

NFIB has launched a new ad campaign across 24 states featuring targeted radio, digital, and video ads. These ads are a continued effort by NFIB to ask Congress to stop the massive tax hike on 9 out of 10 small businesses by passing the Main Street Tax Certainty Act. If the 20% Small Business Deduction expires, the playing field will tilt in favor of large corporations for over 30 million small business owners.   

Watch (and share) the NFIB Small Business Deduction 30-second video ad here: 

Listen (and share) the NFIB Small Business Deduction 30-second radio ads here: 

Suddenly removing tax savings will decimate America’s small businesses, who have used the 20% Small Business Deduction to overcome significant hurdles like inflation, hiring shortages, and supply chain disruptions,” said Brad Close, NFIB President. “The Main Street Tax Certainty Act would make the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent and avoid a massive tax hike on nine out of 10 small businesses.” 


Make the Small Business 20% Reduction Permanent.

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