Contact NFIB In Wisconsin

Date: April 06, 2009

Need to contact us in Wisconsin?


Bill G. Smith
NFIB/Wisconsin State Director

For more than 35 years, Bill G. Smith has been NFIB/Wisconsin State Director.  The Janesville Press Gazette reported that Smith is “one of the most respected lobbyists in the Capitol.”  He has built a solid legislative program for Wisconsin’s small business owners and has earned NFIB’s positive recognition by the media.  The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel calls NFIB “the leading small business lobbying organization” in Wisconsin, and Corporate Report magazine listed Mr. Smith as “among the best in the Capitol” among hundreds of registered lobbyists.  Elected State Officials describe NFIB as “the most respected voice for small business in state government.” 

A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science.  He serves on numerous boards and commissions including the Insurance Commissioner’s Property and Casualty Advisory Council, Prison Industries Board, State Use Board, and Governor’s Council on Economic Growth.  He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Economic Development Institute and the Wisconsin Association of Health Underwriters Foundation.  Smith has held positions of leadership with several organizations including serving as the current President of the Wisconsin Civil Justice Council, a past president of the Association of Wisconsin Lobbyists, and past president of the Conference of Retail Associations, and former member of the Board of Governors for the state’s Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan.

Smith counts passage of the nationally recognized Small Business Regulatory Fairness Act, small business representation on the Unemployment Compensation Advisory Council, and comprehensive legal reforms among NFIB’s major state legislative victories.

“NFIB not only brings the voice of small business to the state legislative process, but it also speaks with powerful influence and bipartisan respect,” he said.  “As a result, small business owners have won many significant legislative and political victories.”

10 East Doty Street
Suite 519
Madison, WI 53703
[email protected]

Additional NFIB Contacts

Deanna Esser
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]

Leah Courtney
Senior Media Manager
[email protected]

Liz Roe
Grassroots Manager
C: 584-884-6584
[email protected]


Related Content: Contact NFIB In | Wisconsin

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