An Update from Your NFIB/Colorado State Director

Date: February 18, 2015

An Update from Your NFIB/CO State Director

Dear Valued NFIB/CO Member:
I hope 2015 is off to a good start for all of you. With the elections in November, the Legislature has a lot of new faces. Our small business ranks grew this election cycle with the election of individuals with small business experience. A final addition to the House of Representatives was Lang Sias. A former Top Gun Pilot instructor and current Fed Ex pilot was selected by a vacancy committee to replace Libby Szabo who resigned to fill a vacancy on the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners. With the turnout in November, the Republicans gained control of the State Senate and the Democrats have only a two seat majority in the State House. Hopefully, with the new makeup of the legislature some issues can be repealed from the previous sessions.
 “Sue Your Boss” Bill up for repeal
In 2013 the Colorado Legislature passed HB 13-1136, concerning discrimination in the workplace. At the time of passage the bill was properly tagged as the “Sue Your Boss Bill.”

That was because the bill allowed for punitive damages for cases filed against the smallest of the small employers. Repeal efforts are underway with SB 15-069 which repeals the adverse effects of HB 1136. Sponsored by Senator Laura Bradford, Jefferson County, who herself is a NFIB member, the billed cleared its first hurdle passing the Senate Business Affairs committee on a vote of 6/3. Senator Cheri Jahn, D-Wheatridge, was the only democrat to vote for the passage. Sharing that as a small business owner herself a frivolous discrimination suit could easily put her out business due to the legal fees she would have to pay an attorney to defend her.

Please do not hesitate to contact your NFIB office should you have any questions regarding pending legislation or questions to ask of your State Director. Our number is 303-860-1778.
A.F. Tony Gagliardi
NFIB/CO State Director

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