Hear From Your Missouri State Director

Date: April 14, 2015

A letter from state director Brad Jones.

Dear NFIB/Missouri members, 

With only five weeks remaining in this year’s general assembly, several small business friendly bills are poised to go to the governor for his signature. Although the state budget and transportation funding will occupy much of the legislature’s floor time, bills like tying the number of weeks an individual can be on unemployment to the actual unemployment rate has an excellent chance of making it through both houses. We are also working on a couple of bills that deal with our Missouri tax code. Requiring the Department of Revenue to notify tax payers before there is a change in who needs to pay sales tax seems to be a common sense direction that the department has failed to take. NFIB is also encouraging the general assembly to conduct a thorough review of the state’s tax code. An in-depth review has not taken place since 1969, which we think is long overdue. Finally, we will be watching the Senate to see if they pass a Right To Work bill this year. Although the governor will veto the measure, it would be the first time that the issue has passed both the House and Senate.

Brad Jones
NFIB/Missouri State Director  

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