AL Jobless Data Highlights Small Business Challenges

Date: August 29, 2024

NFIB State Director Rosemary Elebash says Alabama’s July unemployment report underscores the challenges facing the state’s small businesses.

“The jobless rate for July was 2.8%, which is good, but Alabama’s seasonally-adjusted workforce participation rate remained at 57.5%, well below the national average 62.7%,” she said.

Of the four states bordering Alabama, only Mississippi had a lower participation rate at 54.2%. Georgia’s was highest at 61.8%, followed by Tennessee at 59.5% and Florida at 58.8%.

“This is a big reason so many of our small business members say they’re unable to fill vacant positions,” Elebash said.

State-specific data is unavailable, but according to the latest NFIB Optimism Index, 38% of small business owners have positions they’re unable to fill, while 49% percent reported few to zero qualified job applicants.

“This is why NFIB continues its partnership with the Alabama Community College System Innovation Center to prepare students for employment opportunities when they receive their credential certificate,” Elebash said.


Related Content: Small Business News | Alabama

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