Sales Tax and Pension Proposals Raise Small Business Concerns

Date: April 17, 2023

A recent survey of Alaska’s NFIB members show how small business owners feel about important issues that could become law

The release of results from a survey of NFIB member small business owners in Alaska show concern about two issues under consideration in the legislature.


As it does every year, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small-business association, surveys its members on issues affecting their right to own, operate, and grow their businesses. Results from these surveys help establish NFIB’s lobbying positions in Juneau.


The results of questions on potential sales tax and pension changes were:


Should Alaska create a statewide sales tax?
Yes 14%
No 78%
Undecided 8%


Should Alaska pass legislation that would bring back a defined benefit pension program for state workers?
Yes 13%
No 68%
Undecided 18%


“Both of these issues could have far-reaching tax and budget implications for Alaska small business owners that employ more than half of all workers in the state,” said NFIB Alaska State Director Thor Stacey. “We will be watching these issues and others to be certain that small business concerns are heard.”



Related Content: Small Business News | Alaska

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