Six Arizona Lawmakers Honored as a Guardian of Small Business

Date: July 19, 2024

The Guardian of Small Business award, one of NFIB’s most coveted and prestigious honors, is given to lawmakers to recognize their efforts to support small business issues.

PHOENIX (July 19, 2024) – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the state’s leading small business advocacy organization, today announced six recipients of its nationally prestigious Guardian of Small Business Award.

The six Guardian of Small Business Award winners are:

  • Speaker of the House Rep. Ben Toma
  • Rep. David Livingston
  • Rep. Travis Grantham
  • Senate President Warren Petersen
  • Sen. J.D. Mesnard
  • Sen. T.J. Shope

“These six lawmakers have gone above and beyond on behalf of Main Street Arizonans,” NFIB State Director Chad Heinrich said. “In this difficult economy, where costs continue to go up and open positions remain unfilled, it’s incumbent on lawmakers to not make it more difficult to own and operate a small business here in Arizona. Our members are grateful for each of these lawmakers’ commitment to free enterprise and sound policy.”


NFIB Arizona released a list of 30 lawmakers who earned 100 percent NFIB voting records during the 56th Legislative Session. CLICK HERE for a complete copy of the voting record.

Speaker Toma (Glendale) – Rep. Toma is a small business owner and real estate broker who was appointed to the Arizona State House of Representatives in 2017. In 2018, Rep. Toma was elected to the Arizona State House of Representatives and quickly rose through the ranks into leadership roles. Rep. Toma authored and passed the historic single-rate personal income tax law (A.K.A. flat tax”) which brought much needed economic relief to working families and small businesses; to date, this is the single largest tax cut in Arizona’s history. In 2023, Rep. Toma was elected as Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives.

Rep. David Livingston (Peoria) – Rep. Livingston spent much of his professional career as a small business owner— serving as a financial advisor and franchise owner of Ameriprise Financial in Peoria from 1992 – 2012. He began his first term of legislative service in 2013 and has been a consistent voice for sound state budgeting, and important tax reforms while also standing firm against policies that would harm small business operations or increase costs. He has proven himself to be the policy expert on several insurance issues—drawing from his previous professional experience with the industry. In both the 2023 and 2024 regular legislative sessions he stood firm against legislation that would have increased the cost of health care coverage for small business owners in Arizona. The cost of health care coverage has repeatedly been cited as the top business problem for small business owners. His efforts in the 56th Legislative Session earned him a 100% on the NFIB Arizona voting record.

Rep. Travis Grantham (Gilbert) – Rep. Grantham is serving his fourth term in the Arizona House of Representatives, representing Arizona’s 14th Legislative District. He serves as Speaker Pro Tempore, Chairman of the House Rules Committee, and is a House Ways and Means Committee member. Throughout his service in the legislature, he has been a steadfast supporter of small business tax and regulatory reforms while also firmly opposing proposals that would harm small business owners in Arizona. Moreover, Rep. Grantham has aptly used his leadership positions to fairly dispense the House’s business, respecting every member while also professionally holding firm conviction against many policy proposals that would harm small businesses. His efforts in the 56th Legislative Session earned him a 100% on the NFIB Arizona voting record.

Sen. Warren Petersen (Gilbert) – Sen. Petersen has served in the Arizona Legislature since 2012, where he was first elected to the Arizona House of Representatives. He currently represents Arizona’s 14th Legislative District. He currently serves as Senate President. From his first day in office, Sen. Petersen has been a champion for NFIB and Arizona’s small business owners. Sen. Petersen’s past service in the legislature has included House Majority Leader, Rules Chair, Commerce Chair, Judiciary Chair, and Ethics Committee. His efforts in the 56th Legislative Session earned him a 100% on the NFIB Arizona voting record.

Sen. J. D. Mesnard (Chandler) – Sen. Mesnard was elected to the Senate on November 6, 2018, after serving eight years in the Arizona House of Representatives, including as Speaker of the House during his final term. Before his elected service in the legislature, Sen. Mesnard spent eight years working at the Arizona Senate where he served as a policy advisor on issues ranging from education, transportation, and retirement to family services and government administration. His efforts in the 56th Legislative Session earned him a 100% on the NFIB Arizona voting record.

Sen. T.J. Shope (Coolidge) – Sen. Shope began his legislative service in 2013 and is the current President pro tempore of the Arizona Senate. In his leadership roles within the Senate, Sen. Shope routinely seeks out the viewpoint of NFIB small business owners on policies that he recognizes may impact small business operations and costs. His efforts in the 56th Legislative Session earned him a 100% on the NFIB Arizona voting record.

Related Content: Small Business News | Arizona

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