Ask Congress to Stop the Massive Tax Hike on Small Business

Date: June 04, 2024

Add your name to the petition to stop the massive tax hike on small businesses.


If Congress fails to act, small businesses will face a massive tax increase in 2025. Three out of four of America’s millions of small employers benefit from the 20% Small Business Deduction created in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Unfortunately, this 20% Small Business Deduction is only temporary, while the tax cuts for large, multinational corporations are permanent. Small business owners in Colorado and across the country have used this deduction to increase wages, expand their operations, and invest in their communities. But this important small business tax benefit expires at the end of 2025.

Join over 50,000 small businesses across the country by adding your name to our petition to prevent a massive tax hike on small business owners.

CLICK HERE to sign the petition.

Related Content: Small Business News | Colorado

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