Colorado Set to Compound its Sales Tax Mess

Date: November 16, 2018

Colorado already has one of the most annoying, crazy-quilt sales tax compliance-and-collection systems in the nation, then the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its South Dakota v. Wayfair decision this year, which now threatens to exacerbate the problem.

The decision now allows states to require online sellers to collect sales taxes from online purchases. But are Colorado’s Department of Revenue’s new sales tax rules, scheduled to take effect December 1, going to create a paperwork migraine for small-business owners?

NFIB State Director Tony Gagliardi and Brighton small-business owner Jon Kamm discuss with host Mike Krause on the Devil’s Advocate Show the problems ahead. In it, Kamm mentions he has four different taxing agencies he now deals with, but it’s not inconceivable he’ll have to deal with as many as 638.


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