Watch the Latest Colorado Legislative Session Recap

Date: July 11, 2024

Colorado small business owners learned more about issues on the state and federal levels, shard their concerns, and asked questions.

On Wednesday, July 10, NFIB Colorado hosted a virtual event featuring State Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer, who highlighted the economic impact of energy regulations, among other topics. This was an opportunity for small business owners to learn more about issues on the state and federal levels, share their concerns, and ask questions.

“I used to be a small business owner myself,” Sen. Kirkmeyer said. “I greatly appreciate all you do for our economy and what you do for our workforce and families throughout the state of Colorado. I know it’s been a pretty tough go of it the past few years, some of the laws that have been passed down here that increase regulations, that increase fees, that type of thing to your businesses. […] You’re the backbone of our economy here in the state of Colorado, and we’ve got to make sure that you are able to succeed.”

Topics discussed include:

CLICK HERE to view the virtual event. Still have additional questions about issues impacting your business from this session? Reach out to State Director Tony Gagliardi here. Want to get more involved in NFIB? Please contact Grassroots Manager ML McGinty here.

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