Governor Lamont vetoes state payments for striking workers.

Date: May 31, 2024

NFIB members told Governor Lamont to veto striking workers legislation, and last week he did just that! State government shouldn’t pick sides in labor disputes and small business owners and other state taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for employees who choose to go out of work on strike.


Public Act 24-131 (House Bill 5431, “An Act Establishing a Connecticut Families and Workers Account”) would establish a fund with millions of state dollars that could be used to pay private sector employees who leave work to go on strike.

Paying employees who choose to leave work and go on strike is an unprecedented policy change and goes against one of the major principles of the unemployment system – the availability and willingness of an employee to work in order to receive benefits. Making those who leave work because of a strike eligible for any type of payment undercuts both the purpose of the unemployment insurance system and unfairly tips the balance in labor relations matters, which are currently governed by longstanding, primarily federal, laws.



Related Content: Small Business News | Connecticut

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