NFIB Urges House Committee to Vote YES on COVID-19 Liability Protections

Date: January 13, 2021

NFIB State Executive Director Bill Herrlewill testify before the House Civil Justice Committee today in support of House Bill 7, a measure that would protect small businesses and other employers from frivolous lawsuits brought by trial lawyers seeking to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“The coronavirus has been a disaster for employers, especially small businesses, which aren’t sitting on stockpiles of cash to get them the rough patches,” Herrle said. “HB 7 would protect businesses from baseless lawsuits filed by trial attorneys trying to exploit the pandemic.

“Bad actors should be held accountable,” Herrle said. “Good actors should be protected. Businesses that act in good faith, based on government-issued COVID-19 guidelines, should know the state has their back,” Herrle said.

“Small businesses are in a difficult position right now,” Herrle said. “One in four small business owners surveyed last monthby the NFIB Research Center warned they may have to close permanently unless economic conditions improve soon. The cost of itself against one frivolous lawsuit, even if the case is thrown out of court, could make a small business close its doors for good.

“HB 7 would hold bad actors accountable while giving businesses that are following safety procedures the confidence to continue providing the goods and services their customers need,” Herrle said.

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