Did You Miss NFIB's Virtual Event on the Delaware EARNS Program? Here is the Recording.

Date: May 17, 2024

On May 2nd, NFIB State Director Mike O’Halloran hosted a successful virtual event with an official from the Delaware EARNS office for an informative discussion about the state initiative and what small business owners need to learn about the program, employer administrative duties, important deadlines, and more.

Ted Griffith, Director of Delaware EARNS, joined Mike to explain the new, state-mandated retirement program, which will affect small businesses across the First State, beginning this summer. Griffith, a Certified Financial Planner (TM) professional who worked for 16 years at the global investment company Vanguard, was named the first program director for Delaware EARNS in March 2023.

A recording of the free NFIB member event is available by clicking on the image above or at the link below:

>>>>> https://vimeo.com/942102123?share=copy 

As always, if you’d like to learn more the event or have other questions, please reach out to NFIB Grassroots Manager Julianna Rauf at [email protected] or 857-228-9978.

Related Content: Small Business News | Delaware

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