Indiana Small Business Community Endorses Mark Messmer for Election to Congress

Date: September 10, 2024

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Sept. 10, 2024) – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, endorsed Mark Messmer for election to the United States House of Representatives to represent Indiana’s 8th Congressional District.

“As a small business owner and NFIB member, Mark Messmer knows firsthand less government creates more jobs,” said Natalie Robinson, NFIB Indiana State Director. “In the Indiana Senate, his voting record of 92% proves his commitment to growing jobs, reducing red tape, and supporting Main Street. Now more than ever, small businesses need strong advocates in Congress, and we are certain Mark Messmer will continue to be a reliable voice for Indiana’s Main Street.”

“Mark Messmer is a successful, multi-generational small business owner and operator,” said Sharon Sussin, NFIB Senior National Political Director. “His firsthand experience as a small business owner and NFIB member will make him a great advocate for Main Street in Congress. We know he will keep small businesses in mind when debating policy, and we are pleased to endorse him today.”

The endorsement is issued from NFIB FedPAC, NFIB’s political action committee. NFIB FedPAC is funded by voluntary contributions by NFIB members over and above their membership dues. Decisions made by the NFIB FedPAC are managed by a member-driven grassroots evaluation.

Related Content: Small Business News | Elections | Indiana

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