New Jersey Small Business Community Endorses Rep. Tom Kean for Re-Election

Date: August 27, 2024

GREEN BROOK, N.J. (Aug. 27, 2024) – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, endorsed Representative Tom Kean for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives to represent New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District. The endorsement was announced at a campaign event and small business roundtable in Green Brook, New Jersey.

“Rep. Tom Kean has a proven record of supporting small businesses, earning a NFIB Voting Record of 100%,” said Eileen Kean, NFIB New Jersey State Director. “He has prioritized tax relief by cosponsoring the Main Street Tax Certainty Act and truly understands the environment that New Jersey job creators and their employees need to succeed. We are proud to endorse Rep. Kean for re-election today and look forward to continuing to work with him.”

L-R: Grassroots Manager Bre Mapston, Congressman Tom Kean, NFIB member Bruce Heyman, NFIB member Kevin Ciak, State Director Eileen Kean

“Small businesses are the economic backbone of our country, creating jobs on Main Street and in each of our communities,” said Rep. Tom Kean. “Supporting these entrepreneurs by breaking the back of inflation, reducing rising costs, and cutting the bureaucratic red tape is essential for these businesses to continue to thrive and grow. That is my focus each day in D.C. – to be a champion for business in the Garden State. I am grateful to have the partnership and endorsement of the NFIB as we continue this important work together.”

“We know Rep. Tom Kean will continue to be a dependable voice for small businesses in Congress,” said Sharon Sussin, NFIB Senior National Political Director. “He has a strong pro-small business voting record and has been an advocate for policies that empower Main Street to grow and give back. We are proud to endorse him today.”

The endorsement is issued from NFIB FedPAC, NFIB’s political action committee. NFIB FedPAC is funded by voluntary contributions by NFIB members over and above their membership dues. Decisions made by the NFIB FedPAC are managed by a member-driven grassroots evaluation.

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