NFIB’s Amanda Fisher in The Detroit News: Elect Pro-Small Business Candidates this Election

Date: October 14, 2024

Read excerpts from her latest op-ed

NFIB Michigan State Director Amanda Fisher wrote an op-ed in The Detroit News on why voters should vote for candidates that support pro-small business policies.

Fisher wrote, “It’s another election year, which means every politician claims to love small businesses — and for good reason. Small business consistently remains one of the most trusted institutions in the country. In fact, a Gallup poll from June shows that 68% of Americans have confidence in small businesses. This is higher than any other institution and is equal among all parties…

“Over the past two years, Michigan has seen record government spending of taxpayer dollars, increased regulations and labor mandates, policies that will lead to energy instability and increased costs, as well as the elimination of workplace freedoms — most passed along party lines. Meanwhile, the threat of even worse policies championed by many members of the current legislative majorities continues to hang over the heads of small business owners…

“This November our state has a choice. It can either continue with the status quo that will lead toward even more policies that dampen small businesses’ ability to survive, or voters can embrace the economic agenda proposed by House Republicans in their recently announced Mission For Michigan policy initiative that, among other things, includes reducing the state income tax, eliminating unnecessary regulations, allowing job providers to flourish, and fiscal responsibility to prevent future tax hikes.”

To read her full op-ed, view it here.

Small businesses need Michigan’s earned sick time and minimum wage laws to be addressed by the end of the year. Find out more about the issue here. Ask your legislators to act here.



Related Content: Small Business News | Elections | Michigan

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