Small Businesses Endorse Fink and O’Grady for Michigan Supreme Court

Date: September 04, 2024

NFIB’s Michigan PAC announced the endorsement

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the state’s leading small business advocacy association, today announced that its Michigan PAC endorsed current Representative Andrew Fink and former Circuit Court Judge Patrick William O’Grady in the two contests on the ballot this year for Michigan’s highest court.

“Given the recent activists decisions of the Michigan Supreme Court, it is clear we need Supreme Court Justices who will fairly interpret the law as written. Fink and Grady’s commitment to public service throughout their careers has been exemplary and it is clear that they will provide the impartial, rule of law philosophy needed in the judiciary,” said Amanda Fisher, NFIB Michigan State Director.

Unfortunately, when the judicial branch chooses to usurp the legislature’s authority by subjective interpretations, it can create chaos and uncertainty in all aspects of life. This kind of uncertainty is especially hard for small businesses who have less margin in which to navigate unforeseen changes.

“Through their experience, Fink and O’Grady have demonstrated in that they understand the importance of judicial stability to not only our state’s economy, but its citizen’s well-being.” continued Fisher. “The NFIB Michigan PAC is proud to endorse Andrew Fink and Patrick William O’Grady for Michigan Supreme Court.”

Michigan Supreme Court endorsements are decided by a survey of NFIB members and the NFIB MI PAC Board, which is made up exclusively of small business owners.

NFIB will encourage its members in Michigan to help turn out the small business vote in early voting and on Election Day for candidates that support small business and free enterprise.

Related Content: Small Business News | Elections | Michigan

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