Tennessee Small Businesses Endorse Sen. Marsha Blackburn for Re-Election

Date: September 04, 2024

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 4, 2024) – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, endorsed Senator Marsha Blackburn for re-election to the United States Senate.

“Senator Marsha Blackburn has been a consistently strong supporter of small business on critical tax and labor issues,” said Jim Brown, NFIB Tennessee State Director. “She is a co-sponsor of the Main Street Tax Certainty Act, which will provide vital tax relief and fairness to millions of small businesses, and she will continue to support policies that bolster Tennessee’s job creators, their employees and communities across our state.”

“On behalf of Tennessee’s small businesses, we are proud to endorse Senator Blackburn for re-election,” said Sharon Sussin, NFIB Senior National Political Director. “Senator Blackburn has been a dependable advocate for Main Street, earning a near-perfect NFIB voting record in her tenure in Washington. We look forward to continuing to work with her.”

The endorsement is issued from NFIB FedPAC, NFIB’s political action committee. NFIB FedPAC is funded by voluntary contributions by NFIB members over and above their membership dues. Decisions made by the NFIB FedPAC are managed by a member-driven grassroots evaluation.

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