FL Minimum Wage Increases to $12 an Hour

Date: October 02, 2023

The push toward a $15 minimum wage is increasing financial pressure on the state's small businesses

The state minimum wage automatically increases $1 an hour on Saturday, Sept. 30, to $12 an hour.

That might not sound like a lot, but it can quickly add up, NFIB State Director Bill Herrle said.

Three years ago, Florida voters approved Amendment 2, which is gradually increasing the state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2026. NFIB opposed the amendment.

“Small businesses already are under a lot of financial pressure,” Herrle said. “Inflation continues to drive up the cost of everything from raw materials to rent. Employers already are paying more because of the state’s tight labor market, and this march toward a $15-an-hour minimum wage is going to drive up costs and force owners to make difficult decisions about who or even whether to add workers.”

NFIB will continue to urge lawmakers to address inflation, labor, and other critical issues when the legislature returns to Tallahassee in January.

Related Content: Small Business News | Florida

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