FL Small Business Owners Visit with Members of Congress at DC Fly-In

Date: June 14, 2024

The event allowed owners to speak with elected leaders about critical small business issues

NFIB State Executive Director Bill Herrle and Legislative Director Tim Nungesser led a group of Florida small business owners to Washington as part of the 2024 NFIB Fly-In.

Members met with a number of Florida lawmakers to discuss a host of issues including repealing the Corporate Transparency Act and saving the 20% Small Business Deduction.

“The NFIB Fly-In is a great opportunity for our members to visit Washington and engage with their members of Congress,” Herrle said.

“NFIB is the voice of small business, but when our members are in the room with members of the Florida delegation, it really helps our voice be heard,” Nungesser said.

Related Content: Small Business News | Florida

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