Feedback Needed on Indiana's Infrastructure

Date: June 04, 2024

NFIB's state director is part of a task force looking at the state's interstate highway system

NFIB State Director Natalie Robinson is working with ProPEL Indy on a project to collect public feedback on the state’s infrastructure.

“Small business is the engine that drives the state’s economy, but Main Street depends on good roads to ensure the smooth operation of daily business activities, including supply chains and the delivery of goods and services,” Robinson said. “When infrastructure is lacking, businesses are forced to find alternative solutions, leading to increased costs and wasted time.”

She said most interstates inside the I-465 loop in Central Indiana were built over 40 years ago and will need to be modernized in the near future. 

ProPEL Indy has spent the last year asking residents, neighborhoods, businesses, and commuters to envision the future of I-65 and I-70 in Indianapolis. “Improving the infrastructure there will affect access to goods and services throughout the state,” Robinson said.

Let us know what you think. Submit your feedback to Propel Indy by June 30 or contact Robinson directly at [email protected].


Related Content: Small Business News | Indiana

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