NFIB Kansas, Industry Leaders to Gov. Kelly: Pass Broad-Based Property Tax Relief

Date: May 24, 2024

“We agree the current budget surpluses provide a tremendous opportunity to reduce the overall tax burden for all Kansans.”

TOPEKA (May 24, 2024) – In a letter to Governor Laura Kelly, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) along with Kansas industrial leaders called for the Governor to work with the legislature to enact consensus, broad-based property tax relief.

Citing the budget surpluses, the leaders wrote:

“We believe this broad-based property tax relief coupled with consensus provisions such as eliminating income tax on Social Security income, accelerating the elimination of sales tax on food purchases, and syncing the privilege tax with other corporate taxes would enjoy strong, bipartisan support among legislators. Under this approach, money would remain available for you and the legislature to pursue income tax relief, whether that occurs during the special session or next session.”

CLICK HERE to view the full letter.

Related Content: Small Business News | Kansas

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