REPORT: St. Louis Earns 'Judicial Hellhole' Ranking Again

Date: December 06, 2022

JEFFERSON CITY (Dec. 6, 2022) — NFIB State Director Brad Jones issued the following statement after St. Louis landed on the American Tort Reform Foundation’s annual list of “Judicial Hellholes.” In addition to ongoing lawsuit abuse, St. Louis courtrooms are also turning a blind eye to “both state law and U.S. Supreme Court precedent” on expert and evidence standards, according to the foundation.

“Without further reform, judicial tourism will continue to run rampant in St. Louis courts,” Jones said. “We will continue to fight for reforms to ensure judges follow the letter of the law and that every Missourian gets a fair shake.”

The foundation’s report reads: “While the judges in St. Louis continued to ignore both state law and U.S. Supreme Court precedent and allowed junk science to fill their courtrooms, the Missouri legislature must continue to prioritize reforms to address the lawsuit abuse bogging down business in the state. The future success of the state is contingent on both branches of government addressing the work needed to ensure

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