Maine DOL Holds Paid Leave Information Webinars in October

Date: September 30, 2024

The Maine Department of Labor is holding a series of webinars during October to educate employers and employees about the new Paid Family & Medical Leave law.

Two webinars are focused on employers and two on employees.

NFIB is partnering with MDOL on an October 23rd webinar held from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.  Use this link to register:

The two employer-related webinars will focus on “an overview of the law’s provisions, information on premium amounts, timing of benefits, wage reporting, and how to use the new online portal launching this winter for remitting payments,” MDOL said in a press release. Each session will conclude with Q&A to address attendee questions.

MDOL is partnering with the Maine State Chamber of Commerce on the other employer-related webinar that will be held October 16th.

The two webinars on employee interests (the 15th and 22nd of October) will focus on “eligibility requirements, job protections, premium amounts and timing, and the timing and portability of benefits,” said MDOL, and will conclude with Q&A for attendees.

Additional details including dates, times, and registration links can be found here:

MDOL has a website dedicated to information about the law:


Related Content: Small Business News | Maine

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