NFIB Minnesota PAC Announces First Round of Legislative Endorsements

Date: June 17, 2024

Candidates have a proven record of fighting for Minnesota small business, deserve re-election

The state’s leading small business political action committee today announced its first round of endorsements of candidates for the Minnesota House of Representatives. All 134 seats in the Minnesota House are up for election this year.

Minnesota small businesses continue to struggle with economic and regulatory headwinds. Higher taxes, more mandates, lingering inflation, and a chronic workforce shortage have made it harder for small businesses to keep up. Now more than ever, Main Street needs strong advocates in the Legislature.

“These lawmakers have proven to be strong advocates for small business. They’re willing to fight for the rights of our members to own, operate, and grow their businesses,” said John Reynolds, NFIB Minnesota State Director. “And they are committed to making our state a better place to raise a family and do business.”

State legislative endorsements are determined by the NFIB MN PAC Board, which is comprised of small business owners in Minnesota. Incumbent legislative endorsements are based on the 2023-24 NFIB MN Voting Record, which reflects how a lawmaker voted on priority issues for small business owners. Lawmakers must have a score of 70 percent or better to qualify for endorsement.

NFIB represents over 10,000 small businesses in Minnesota. The NFIB MN PAC endorsement is an important signal to voters across the state that a candidate will stand with small business. Today’s announced endorsements are listed below.


Minnesota House

District # Endorsed Candidate District # Endorsed Candidate
01A Rep. John Burkel  20B Rep. Steve Jacob
02B Rep. Matt Bliss  21A Rep. Joe Schomacker 
03A Rep. Roger Skraba 21B Rep. Marj Fogelman
03B Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar  22A Rep. Bjorn Olson 
04B Rep. Jim Joy  23A Rep. Peggy Bennett 
05A Rep. Krista Knudsen  23B Rep. Patricia Mueller 
05B Rep. Mike Wiener 24A Rep. Duane Quam 
06A Rep. Ben Davis  26B Rep. Greg Davids
06B Rep. Josh Heintzeman 27A Rep. Shane Mekeland 
07A Rep. Spencer Igo  28A Rep. Brian Johnson 
09A Rep. Jeff Backer  29A Rep. Joe McDonald 
09B Rep. Tom Murphy 29B Rep. Marion Rarick
10A Rep. Ron Kresha 30A Rep. Walter Hudson 
10B Rep. Isaac Schultz 30B Rep. Paul Novotny 
11A Rep. Jeff Dotseth  31A Rep. Harry Niska
11B Rep. Nathan Nelson  31B Rep. Peggy Scott 
12A Rep. Paul Anderson  32A Rep. Nolan West 
12B Rep. Mary Franson  33A Rep. Patti Anderson 
13A Rep. Lisa Demuth  34A Rep. Danny Nadeau 
13B Rep. Tim O’Driscoll  36A Rep. Elliott Engen 
14A Rep. Bernie Perryman  37A Rep. Kristin Robbins 
15A Rep. Chris Swedzinski  45A Rep. Andrew Myers 
15B Rep. Paul Torkelson  48A Rep. Jim Nash 
16B Rep. Dave Baker  54B Rep. Ben Bakeberg 
17A Rep. Dawn Gillman 57A Rep. Jon Koznick 
17B Rep. Bobbie Harder 57B Rep. Jeff Witte 

Related Content: Small Business News | Minnesota

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