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Date: June 29, 2023

Minnesota State Director John Reynolds hosts webinar discussing the 2023 legislative session

The Minnesota Legislature adjourned its 2023 legislative session in May, leaving small business owners with burdensome mandates, higher taxes, and more headaches. NFIB State Director John Reynolds hosted a webinar to discuss these disappointments and answer small business owners’ questions.

READ: New Mandates, Higher Taxes Disappoint Minnesota Small Business Owners

Although major disappointments were a hallmark of the 2023 session, Reynolds highlighted two small business victories including federal tax conformity and pass-through entity filing.

  • Federal tax conformity exempts additional pandemic-era relief from state taxes (such as restaurant revitalization grants).
  • Pass-through entity filing will allow small business owners to maximize their federal deductions.

WATCH: NFIB Minnesota 2023 Legislative Session Wrap-Up Webinar

Upon the conclusion of the event, Reynolds encouraged members to remain engaged and elect candidates who will support small business priorities with sound public policy:

“Next November is the opportunity to change the Legislature. Whether through us, through our action alerts, or on your own, engage directly with your lawmakers. A lot of these people have very little understanding of how the real business world works. The more they hear from you and how their policies affect you, the better.”

Summaries of key issues from the 2023 Legislative Session are below. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to Reynolds at [email protected] or 651-293-1283.

READ: Minnesota Legislature Session Recap Part I: Taxes & Fees

READ: Minnesota Legislature Session Recap Part II: New Employment Mandates

READ: Minnesota Legislature Session Recap Part III: Energy, Environment, Healthcare

READ: Minnesota Legislature Session Recap Part IV: Marijuana Legalization

Related Content: Small Business News | Minnesota

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