Missouri Job Creator to Congress: ‘Protect the Tax Cut That Small Businesses Desperately Need’

Date: July 12, 2024

NFIB Missouri Member Nathan Garden penned an op-ed in the Kansas City Star calling on Congress to protect the 20% Small Business Deduction.

In an op-ed for the Kansas City StarNFIB Missouri Small Business Owner Member Nathan Garden urged Congress to protect the 20% Small Business Deduction, highlighting how the tax provision has allowed him to boost wages and expand his warehouse.

CLICK HERE to stop the small business tax hike!

Garden wrote:
“The small businesses that anchor our economy are about to face a devastating tax hike that will hurt workers and weaken communities. As the owner of one of those job creators — a third-generation family-owned manufacturing company in Cuba, Missouri — I’m calling on Washington, D.C., to wake up and protect the tax cut that small businesses desperately need.”
CLICK HERE to read the full op-ed. To learn more about the Small Business Deduction, CLICK HERE.

Related Content: Small Business News | Missouri

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