Become a Small Business Advocate in Montana

Date: September 30, 2021

NFIB’s volunteer program aims to amplify the voice of Main Street

Interested in influencing public policy in a big way?

As a member of NFIB, you are already part of an association that is highly regarded in Helena and in Washington, D.C., but if you’re interested in taking one extra step, it could make a world of difference in the outcome of legislative proposals circulating the State Capitol and Congress—and NFIB makes it easy.

NFIB’s lobbying efforts are strongest when supported by the real voices of business owners. Whether you want to act by using an email action alert, speaking to the media, or testifying before a legislative committee, NFIB offers the tools and support to make your voice resonate.

The following are some of the optional opportunities you can participate in under NFIB’s Advocacy Program:

  • Communicate with legislators
  • Attend NFIB events
  • Host a legislator for an NFIB event
  • Submit a letter to the editor, drafted with the help of NFIB
  • Speak on camera about an issue for an NFIB-produced video
  • Speak to the media
  • Testify at the state or federal Level
  • Support small business-friendly candidates
  • Build NFIB’s clout

Issue Focus

NFIB has a reputation in Helena and in Washington D.C. for knowing of what it speaks, which is why we speak out only on those issues directly related to our members’ ability to own, operate, and grow their businesses—and NOT on every issue under the sun.

A full list of those issues, 75 in all, can be found in NFIB’s quadrennial Small Business Problems & Priorities report. Some of those issues are very familiar to you:

  • The perennial worry of finding affordable health care
  • The everyday struggle of complying with myriad regulations
  • The struggle to keep up with tax obligations
  • Workers’ compensation premiums, unemployment insurance taxes
  • You name it.

NFIB places a premium on the quality of the legislative advocates it has on staff—but no one commands the attention of policymakers more than the small-business owners NFIB can put before legislative hearings or reporters, or have them just gin up emails and phone calls.

Time Commitment

Based on your interest, NFIB staff will provide opportunities to build and enhance your advocacy skills to best equip you to feel fully comfortable in getting involved. All opportunities will be offered virtually or, when possible, in person. Each volunteer will be asked to commit to a full calendar year. The following outlines possible time commitments:

  • Review issues as updated by NFIB staff to provide feedback on those that interest you. During the legislative session this could be weekly.
  • Utilize NFIB Action Alerts to communicate with legislators on issues impacting your business, ideally personalizing your message, by sharing the direct impact to you, your family, your business, your employees, their families, and the community that you support.
  • Participate in person or virtually with our Small Business Day and DC Fly-in activities, each is one time per year.
  • Get to know your legislators, time depends on your current relationships
  • Participate in events, as they arise.

How About It?

NFIB will never have the giant financial campaign war chest like those associations representing big corporations do, but it has something equally potent: An army of Main Street entrepreneurs—and elected officials fear and respect them just as much. Check out The Power of the Small Business Voice.

We would love to have you on board.

If you need more details or are you ready to take that next step in NFIB’s Advocacy Program, contact NFIB’s Senior Grassroots Manager Stacy Jenkins by email at [email protected] or by direct phone at 360-870-7749.



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