NFIB Nebraska PAC Endorses Pro-Small Business Senate Incumbents & Candidates

Date: August 21, 2024

NFIB NE PAC announced its state legislative endorsements, featuring incumbents with proven track records of standing up for small businesses in Lincoln.

“Small businesses are navigating a tough economic and regulatory landscape. The Nebraska Legislature has already done a commendable job working to reduce property taxes during the special session. However, there is still more work to be done,” said NFIB State Director Ryan McIntosh. “This election is a critical one if we want legislators to continue tackling the property tax issue and factors like inflation, workforce shortages, and government mandates that hinder local job creators and discourage investment in communities throughout the state. Nevertheless, we are proud to endorse these lawmakers who have proven their commitment to addressing all the obstacles faced by Nebraska’s small-business owners.”

Incumbent endorsements are based on the NFIB Nebraska Voting Record, which scores legislators’ votes on key issues impacting small businesses. Current lawmakers must achieve at least a 70% score on the voting record to be considered for endorsement. Endorsements of candidates running in open seats are based on responses to questionnaires. The NFIB NE PAC Board—comprised of small-business owners from across the state—considers and approves state legislative endorsements.

The following legislators are officially endorsed by NFIB NE PAC –



District 19 – Senator Robert Dover 

District 21 – Senator Beau Ballard 

District 25 – Senator Carolyn Bosn 

District 31 – Senator Kathleen Kauth

District 35 – Senator Ray Aguilar

District 45 – Senator Rita Sanders 


Non Incumbents

District 1 – Bob Hallstrom

District 5 – Gilbert Ayala 

District 15 – Roxie Kracl

District 23 – Jared Storm 

District 27 – Dawn Liphardt 

District 37 – Stanley Clouse 

District 39 – Tony Sorrentino

District 41 – Ethan Clark

District 43 – Tanya Storer 

Related Content: Small Business News | Nebraska

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