Sign Up for the Nebraska Legislative Session Recap

Date: May 16, 2024

Join us Tuesday, June 4th at 9 a.m. to discuss what Nebraska lawmakers did for small business this legislative session and the 2024 General Election!

Join us Tuesday, June 4th at 9 a.m. to discuss what Nebraska lawmakers did for small business this legislative session and the 2024 General Election!
NFIB State Director Ryan McIntosh will discuss key issues but not limited to such as:
– Property tax relief
– Tax on advertisements
– Inheritance tax
– Elections
Please join us to hear these important updates and bring any issues you would like to discuss to help us navigate through next year’s legislative session. We hope to see you June 4th!
For questions or if you need help registering, please contact Grassroots Manager Ben Abrahamson at 218-969-5121 or at [email protected].

Related Content: Small Business News | Nebraska

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