State Director Kean Testifies Before Assembly Labor Committee

Date: September 26, 2024

September 19, 2024


To: Chairman Verrelli and Members of the Assembly Labor Committee

From:  Eileen Kean, State Director National Federation of Independent Businesses



A-4621 – Assembly Labor Committee

NFIB, New Jersey’s leading small business advocacy organization representing over 6,000 small, independent businesses throughout the state opposes A-4621. Requiring employers to disclose information concerning leave eligibility in hiring packages is an unnecessary additional burden on Main Street.

Main Street businesses are the foundation of the New Jerey’s economic engine.  Small business owners continue to struggle to operate due to post Covid issues exacerbated by inflation and exhaustion.  Upon hiring, an employee does not need a document outlining eligibility for time off before work hours have even accrued. Why should a small businessperson be required to document options available for time off? Does this bill only pertain to fulltime employment? Are part time employees also to be so informed?

When an employee has a personal issue requiring leave the burden should be on that individual to determine their qualifications  for the “Family Leave Act,” P.L.1989, c.261 (C.34:11B-1 et seq.), the federal “Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993,” Pub.L.103-3 (29 U.S.C.s.2601 et seq.), family temporary disability leave benefits under P.L.2008, c.17 (C.43:21-39.1 et al.), the “New Jersey Security and Financial Empowerment Act,” P.L.2013, c.82 (C.34:11C-1 et seq.), and temporary disability benefits under the “Temporary Disability Benefits Law,” P.L.1948, c.110 (C.43:21-25 et al.

Furthermore, it is wrong that monetary penalties on tax paying small businesses could be issued by the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development. NFIB respectfully requests you vote “No” on A-4621.

Related Content: Small Business News | New Jersey

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