84 NC Lawmakers Achieve 100% NFIB Voting Records

Date: September 03, 2024

The reports shows where each lawmaker stands on the issues affecting Main Street

NFIB State Director Gregg Thompson today said that 84 state legislators — 28 senators and 56 representatives — achieved 100% NFIB Voting Records in the 2023-24 legislative session.

“North Carolina is a good state for small business because our legislator consistently supports policies that enable them to grow, create jobs, and support their communities,” Thompson said.

The 2023-24 Voting Record includes eight key votes in both chambers of the legislature on issues important to small businesses including regulatory reform, tax relief, and access to affordable health insurance.

Click here to see the full results and an explanation of the issues.

Thompson said the NFIB Voting Record does not reflect every element considered by a lawmaker when voting, nor does it represent a complete profile of a legislator. It does not factor in that many of these legislators were very helpful to small business in committees.


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