Candidates Address NFIB Members at Small Business Day

Date: May 14, 2024

NFIB members came together to learn more about what's happening in Raleigh and Washington, D.C.

Gubernatorial candidates Josh Stein and Mark Robinson addressed NFIB members and guests today at Small Business Day at the Capital.

Stein, the Democratic nominee, addressed the group in person while Robinson, the Republican candidate, spoke via video.

NFIB State Director Gregg Thompson also recognized North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore as a Guardian of Small Business, the most prestigious honor NFIB bestows on state legislators for their efforts to support small businesses.

Other speakers included Igor Jablokov, founder and CEO of Pryon Inc. He also founded Yap, a voice-recognition company that was acquired by Amazon and used to develop its voice assistant, Alexa.

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