A Recap of the 59th Oklahoma Legislature

Date: July 02, 2024

In addition to passing the state budget, the Oklahoma Legislature advanced an anti-retail theft measure to increase penalties on offenders.

The Legislature adjourned the 59th Oklahoma Legislature “sine die” on Thursday, May 30th after passing the Fiscal Year 2025 State Appropriated Budget. In order to get the budget bill passed in time, lawmakers met on Memorial Day for the first time in decades.

But working through the holiday was worthwhile for lawmakers after struggling to find common ground on budget decisions for most of the month of May. Lawmakers finally agreed to a state budget for Fiscal Year 2025, which begins July 1 that is approximately $400 million less than the prior year’s budget and keeps most state agency appropriations flat, which was a request by the governor during his annual State-of-the-State Address in February.

Prior to session, lawmakers formed a task force to look into the issue of organized retail theft. This resulted in Senate Bill 1735 which addresses the safety of employees and protects businesses against unlawful entry and potential violence; first time offenders would be guilty of a misdemeanor with jail time, a fine, or both, and repeat offenders would be guilty of a felony with a harsher sentence. SB 1735 was passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor.

Most lawmakers were eager to finish the session and get on the campaign trail. The Oklahoma Primary Election was held on Tuesday, June 18th. The Primary Run-off will be Tuesday. August 27th and the General Election will be Tuesday, November 5th.

A proposed ballot measure that is currently in the signature-collection stage may appear on the November 2024 ballot. The proposal, known as the Oklahoma Minimum Wage Act, would raise the state’s minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 per hour starting in 2025 and gradually increase it by $1.50 each year until it reaches $15 per hour in 2029. Beginning in 2030, the minimum wage would be tied to the Consumer Price Index. The measure would not apply to employers with ten or fewer employees, and employers that earn less than $100,000 in annual revenue.

Related Content: Small Business News | Oklahoma

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