NFIB Releases 2023-24 Pennsylvania Small Business Voting Record

Date: September 03, 2024

Seventy-four legislators earned a perfect voting record

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Pennsylvania’s leading small business advocacy organization, released its 2023-24 Pennsylvania Legislative Voting Record. The Voting Record scored 20 key votes in the General Assembly on important small business issues.

“NFIB’s voting record tracks whether Pennsylvania lawmakers support small businesses and how they voted on important small business issues,” said Greg Moreland, NFIB Pennsylvania State Director. “The General Assembly considered several pieces of legislation that impact the small business community like regulatory reform, workers’ compensation, and tax reductions. We are thankful to the 74 legislators who voted 100% with small businesses and are hopeful that next session more lawmakers will support Pennsylvania’s Main Street.”

Click here to see the results for all legislators and an explanation of the issues.

Small business owners continue to cite the rising cost pressures facing their small business and their low optimism about the future of their business conditions.

NFIB tracks key legislative issues identified by its small business members every session and then tabulates a score for each member of the General Assembly. The 2023-24 NFIB Pennsylvania Voting Record does not reflect all elements considered by a lawmaker when voting, nor does it represent a complete profile of a legislator, but it does provide information small business owners should consider when evaluating their legislator’s attitudes toward small businesses.

Related Content: Small Business News | Pennsylvania

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