Senate Finance Committee Approves Tax Reform Bills

Date: October 06, 2022

The committee recently approved the following bills:

Senate Bill 1315allows employees who live in Pennsylvania but work for out-of-state corporations to work from home without imposing tax penalties on the employer.

Senate Bill 1320: permits Pennsylvania partnerships and S-corporations to be taxed on income generated at the entity-level.

House Bill 1059provides a five-year phase-in schedule for increasing the threshold for making required quarterly estimated payments under the personal income tax from $8,000 to $20,000, with an annual increase of $500 thereafter.

House Bill 2057: modernizes Pennsylvania corporation laws and related provisions of Title 15 of the Consolidated Statutes to benefit Pennsylvania employers and our economy.

House Bill 2277repeals the requirement for Pennsylvania businesses to remit prepayments for their sales tax collections.

These bills are now before the full Senate. NFIB staff will continue working with legislators on these important reforms.

Related Content: Small Business News | Pennsylvania

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