NFIB Texas Featured at Cleveland Chamber Luncheon

Date: October 16, 2023

NFIB Senior State Director Dawn McVea highlighted small business challenges.

NFIB Senior State Director Dawn McVea highlighted small business challenges.

“Whether it be local, state, or federal, you telling the story is a huge part of what makes a difference to a policy maker,” NFIB Senior State Director Dawn McVea said while attending the Cleveland Chamber luncheon. “Whenever you’re out there dealing with whatever you might be dealing with in your business, or as an employee of a business, when you see things happening, you say, we need to change something.”

During the luncheon, McVea highlighted various challenges Texas small business owners face, from navigating a complex patchwork of regulations to rising property taxes.

CLICK HERE to read the Bluebonnet News’ coverage of the luncheon.

Related Content: Small Business News | Texas

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