NFIB Texas Names Sen. Bettencourt a ‘Guardian of Small Business’

Date: October 30, 2023

The Guardian of Small Business award, one of NFIB’s most coveted and prestigious honors, is given to legislators to recognize their efforts to support small business issues.

HOUSTON (Oct. 30, 2023) – “By championing property tax relief, Sen. Bettencourt has stood up for small business owners in the Texas Legislature,” NFIB Senior State Director Dawn McVea said. “The overwhelming majority of our members look forward to supporting Prop 4 this November. We’re grateful to Sen. Bettencourt for easing the tax burden on local job creators so that they can continue to thrive.”

“Honored to be recognized by NFIB for SB 2’s record $18 billion property tax reduction Prop 4 for all taxpayers. But wait, there’s more, as SB 3 takes 67,000 Texas businesses off the franchise tax rolls too as we’re doubling the business exemption,” stated Senator Paul Bettencourt.

NFIB Assistant State Director Sarah Horn presents Sen. Bettencourt with the Guardian of Small Business award.

Senator Paul Bettencourt — (R-Houston)

First elected to the Senate in 2014 to represent District 7, Sen. Bettencourt has built a strong reputation as an advocate for taxpayers. Sen. Bettencourt serves as Chairman of the Local Government Committee and serves on the Education, Finance, State Affairs, and Criminal Justice Committees. Sen. Bettencourt was the principal author behind the tax relief package that passed in the 2nd special session that NFIB supported, specifically SB 2 relating to property tax relief for all property owners and SB 3 relating to small business franchise tax relief. Finally, Sen. Bettencourt filed two pieces of legislation to bolster the workforce and provide greater transparency on the cost of state healthcare benefit insurance mandates. Though neither bill passed, both gained NFIB support.

Related Content: Small Business News | Texas

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