URGENT: Watch the VT Capitol Briefing & TAKE ACTION

Date: May 31, 2024

Contact your legislators in Montpelier and urge them to support Gov. Phil Scott in the June 17th Veto Session

NFIB State Director Shawn Shouldice held a virtual legislative briefing for members to discuss the key small business issues that emerged from the regular Vermont legislative session, with Gov. Scott’s veto session set to start June 17th. Shouldice presented a timely and informative overview of NFIB’s advocacy for small businesses in the capital and told members how to take action.

>>> ACT NOW: Urge Gov. Scott to use his veto pen!

While a free registration was required to join the briefing, we are providing a recording of the virtual event for those who could not attend:

>>> WATCH the recording here. 

(Or click on the image below.)

Go deeper: Read the letter from NFIB and business allies calling on Gov. Scott to veto H.766

NFIB Grassroots Manager Julianna Rauf concluded the program by speaking with attendees about how to be an informed and effective champion for Vermont’s small business community with lawmakers in Montpelier. If you have questions about how to get active, please reach out to Julianna at [email protected] or 857-228-9978.

Related Content: Small Business News | Vermont

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