PROFILE: Rush Hour Live Escape Games

Date: August 28, 2024

Co-owner Paul Wood discusses the challenges of running a small business – and how NFIB can help

Paul and Cheryl Wood opened Rush Hour Live Escape Games in Fredericksburg in 2017. The facility, located in the Spotsylvania Towne Center Mall, has six escape rooms, where players work together to solve a series of puzzles so they can “escape” the unlocked themed room before their time runs out.

We spoke with Paul Wood about the challenges of running a small business.

How did you become a small business owner?

We wanted to open an escape room business because we’ve had so much fun playing them!

What’s the biggest challenge that faces local small business owners like you?

Inflation. The economy is very soft right now and it shows. My business volume is down 15% year over year from this same time last year. We are a luxury entertainment product, and we understand that what we offer is expensive, but it has to be. It is a bespoke event just for you and your closest friends. In essence, we are a small theater that “seats” six to eight people in our escape rooms, and I have limited amounts of “shows” that we can do in a day.

Why did you become an NFIB member?

I want to get the information to our politicians at every level on how the laws and business climate are affecting my business and other businesses. I want to be sure that the business climate is good enough to allow anyone else to open their own small business.

In what ways has NFIB helped your small business and advocacy?

I find the briefs and information coming from NFIB to be very helpful in helping me understand how the law works or doesn’t work, and how it affects my business.

Have you attended the NFIB DC Fly-In?

I have been to two federal Fly-Ins and one state level Fly-In. I really like the Fly-In events at the state and federal level that give me a chance to talk directly to our political leaders. It is good to give those leaders enough information directly from business owners.

What advice would you give new NFIB members to make the most of their membership?

Get as involved as you can. Answer the surveys, send the emails, make the calls, and attend the Fly-In

Related Content: Small Business News | Virginia

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