REPORT: 38 Wyoming Legislators Earned 100% Voting Records on Small Business Issues

Date: September 19, 2024

NFIB’s 2023-2024 Voting Record includes six key votes important to small business owners, including property tax relief.

NFIB Wyoming announced today that 38 lawmakers achieved 100% on their voting record, including six members of the Senate and 32 members of the House, during the 67th State Legislature.

In a statement, NFIB State Director Tony Gagliardi thanked these lawmakers for taking a stand for small business owners in the statehouse.

“Every legislative session, our legislators examine many different issues while considering various policy reforms. Our members are grateful to these lawmakers for prioritizing small businesses and the challenges they face. As inflation continues to take a serious toll on employers and consumers alike, the legislature’s effort to cap year-to-year property tax increases will go a long way in providing Main Street with greater certainty in our tax system. Wyoming job creators appreciate all these lawmakers have done to keep our small businesses open and thriving.”

The NFIB Voting Record does not reflect every element considered by a legislator when voting or represent a complete profile of the lawmaker. NFIB’s 2023-2024 Voting Record included six key votes on issues important to small business owners, including property tax relief.

Below is a list of lawmakers who achieved a 100 percent NFIB Voting Record between 2023-2024. CLICK HERE for a complete copy of the voting record.



(Name, District)

Brian Boner, 2 Bill Allemand, 58
Evie Brennan, 31 Lane Allred, 21
Dan Dockstader, 16 Ocean Andrew, 46
Larry Hicks, 11 Dalton Banks, 26
Lynn Hutchings, 5 John Bear, 31
Cheri Steinmetz, 3 Ken Clouston, 32
Jon Conrad, 19
Barry Crago, 40
Bob Davis, 47
Jeremy Haroldson, 4
Scott Heiner, 18
Ben Hornok, 42
Mark Jennings, 30
Christopher Knapp, 53
Martha Lawley, 27
Tony Locke, 35
Chip Neiman, 1
Sandy Newsome, 24
David Northrup, 25
Kevin O’Hearn, 59
Pepper Ottman, 34
Ken Pendergraft, 29
Sarah Penn, 33
Rachel Rodriguez-Williams, 50
Tomi Strock, 6
Clarence Styvar, 12
Reuben Tarver, 52
Tamara Trujillo, 44
Jeanette Ward, 57
Art Washut, 36
Cyrus Western, 51
John Winter, 28


Related Content: Small Business News | Wyoming

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