NFIB Team Blitzes State Capitol for Last-Minute Lobbying

Date: August 16, 2024

Members fly in from all over California to press the small-business case before the end of session

With the close of the California State Legislature’s 2023-2024 session looming on August 31, the NFIB small-business-advocacy team in Sacramento rolled out its biggest guns, NFIB-member small-business owners, recruiting them to come to the aid of its lobbying efforts on the remaining bills of highest importance to Main Street enterprises.

No one speaks with more authority on a small-business issue than a small-business owner, and NFIB-member small-business owners are known nationwide for their deeper knowledge of the issues affecting not only their enterprises but also their communities. Because of this, they are listed to with more intensity by elected officials of all stripes.

Members flew in from all parts of the state for an August 13 convergence on the State Capitol’s Swing Space, where lawmakers’ offices are located and where NFIB’s small-business teams could be seen working the halls and visiting the offices of key legislators. NFIB’s lobbying team visited or were visited by 13 legislative leaders, nine assembly members and four senators.

This two-year session of the Legislature saw 5,550 bills put in play dealing with every subject under the sun. From that number, NFIB narrowed to 109 the ones most affecting – positively or negatively – small businesses. Many of the 109 have the bills have either died or been passed. From the 109, NFIB further narrowed to 40 the number of bills still having some life in the final weeks of the session. No bill is ever dead until the Legislature adjourns.

Given the limited time legislators had for meetings, NFIB’s lobbying team pressed the case for action on three bills of immediate concern:

“There is a unique look in the faces of legislators when discussing issues with a small-business owners from the Main Streets of every community, and it’s one of complete attention and respect,” said NFIB California State Director John Kabateck. “What makes it an honor to work for them is knowing they all had to take valuable time away from running their enterprise to come and serve the greater small business cause.”

Clockwise from upper-left corner: NFIB’s lobbying team meets with Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio, Assemblyman Juan Alanis, Sen. John Laird, and Assemblywoman Laurie Davies Clockwise from upper-left corner, Assemblywoman Diane Dixon (red jacket), Sen. Roger Niello, Sen. Brian Jones, and Assemblyman Ash Kalra exchange ideas with NFIB’s lobbying team Left-side photo, NFIB California Leadership Council Chairman Max Ordonez (left), Sen. Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh, and NFIB member Craig Cooper of Menifee Bicycles in Menifee. Top right photo: Griffin Bovee (in front of state seal), top aide to Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez, meets with NFIB lobbying delegation. Bottom right photo: NFIB Policy Director Tim Taylor (behind desk) talks with Sara Marshall, top aide to Assemblyman Josh Hoover. Left side, top, Sen. Shannon Grove gives NFIB members update on the final weeks of the legislative session. Bottom photo, Sage Miller (standing), top aide to Assemblyman Jim Wood, listens to the lobbying goals of NFIB


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