Colorado NFIB Member 2024 Ballot Results 

Date: December 23, 2023

Small business owners registered their opinion on four questions

NFIB thanks its Colorado members for voting their 2024 state ballot. 

Should Colorado enact legislation allowing employees to sue their employers for alleged Labor Code violations?*
Yes 2%
No 91%
Und. 7%

Should Colorado impose new taxes, assessments, or fees on motorists, shipping, or commercial and residential energy consumption to pay for infrastructure necessary to accommodate electric vehicles?  
Yes 3%
No 96%
Und. 1%

Should Colorado prohibit employers from holding mandatory, employer-sponsored meetings for the purpose of communicating their religious or political stances, also known as “captive audience” meetings?
Yes 33%
No 53%
Und. 14%

Should Colorado levy a payroll tax to establish a new revenue stream to help fund childcare services? 
Yes 3%
No 94%
Und. 3%

*Background on Question 1: The Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) is a California statute that enables aggrieved employees to file lawsuits against their employers for alleged Labor Code violations. Under PAGA provisions, employees have the standing to sue their employers on behalf of themselves, their colleagues, or the state on matters related to wage and hour violations, paid leave, employee classification, and other Labor Code violations. If PAGA lawsuits are successful, employees can recover civil penalties, with 25% set aside for the aggrieved employees and 75% for the state. In granting employees the right to sue, California deviates from the standard practice in other states that reserve the right to bring Labor Code violation lawsuits to the Attorney General. 



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