Lawmakers Return from Transmittal Break

Date: March 17, 2023

Work on state budget begins. NFIB helps amend independent contracting bill

State Director Ronda Wiggers reports from Helena on the small-business agenda for the legislative and political week March 13-17

The legislature is back from a very long transmittal break. The Senate left on March 2 and the House on the morning of March 3. They came back on the 9th for a roll call vote and then very few committees met on the 10th or Monday the 13th. They are now back to full days of work and the House will tackle House Bill 2, the state budget.

Bills scheduled for hearing next week:

Monday, March 20–Senate Education Committee, 3 p.m. HB 245 Revise tax credit for trades education and training. This extends and grows a fairly popular program for Montana businesses. The $2,000 tax credit for skilled trade employee training was set to expire in 2026. This bill would extend that to 2028 and adds a large number of other trades to the list that can use the credit.

Tuesday, March 21–House Business & Labor Committee, 8 a.m. SB 270 Prohibit employee termination for legal social media posts. The sponsor accepted amendments from the business community that made this bill better for small business owners.

Thursday, March 23–House Business & Labor Committee, 8 a.m. SB 22 Generally revise independent contractor laws. This bill is attempting to protect a small business that properly hires an IC on an on-going basis (think snow removal) and the IC license lapses without the knowledge of the business owner. It also addresses those situations where the IC gives fraudulent documentation of their license to a business owner. NFIB has participated in the amendments and passage of the bill.

Thursday, March 23—House Judiciary Committee, 8 a.m. SB 95 Generally revise theft laws. This repeals the changes that passed in 2017 that decriminalized petty theft. This increased shoplifting and bad check writing, as there is no real punishment. NFIB strongly supports this bill.

In case you have lost the link, this will take you to the NFIB Legislative Preference list and allow you to track bills in real time.

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Photo snip courtesy of the Montana Public Affairs Network


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