NEW: NFIB Releases Latest “In Their Own Words” Video

Date: November 30, 2021

Iowa small business member warns of consequences of tax increases

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nov. 30, 2021) – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, today released the latest video in a series featuring small business owners explaining how Washington’s proposed tax increases would hurt their ability to operate, survive, and thrive.

The video series “In Their Own Words” features small business owners from around the country and is part of NFIB’s Small Business Survival campaign, a coordinated advocacy effort that highlights why tax increases would be harmful to America’s small businesses.

The latest video in the series features Iowa small business owner Cary Coppola. Coppola is CEO and Co-founder of Blue Compass, a digital marketing company in Des Moines. He explains how tax increases would be harmful to many small businesses, especially when other business expenses are increasing.

Coppola says, “So when it comes to taxes and increases of taxes, I understand there’s a lot of good policies out there that take money to implement. But this specific time in our history when small businesses, many of them weren’t fortunate enough to make it through 2020, let alone barely scraped to get by, it just seems like everything we’ve done everything we’ve asked for, been asked of us. We fought to stay afloat. We’ve fought to keep our employees employed.”

Watch the new Small Business Survival: In Their Own Words video featuring Cary Coppola here: 

NFIB Iowa member, Cary Coppola, discusses the costs that tax increases would compound. from NFIB Video on Vimeo.

The Small Business Survival campaign is a coordinated advocacy effort that includes targeted traditional and digital advertising, media initiatives, research, grassroots, lobbying, and other efforts that will highlight why tax increases would be harmful to small businesses while holding members of Congress accountable for their support of the tax hikes and mandates.

More information about the campaign can be found here: and here:

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