New: NFIB Releases Latest “In Their Own Words” Video

Date: March 15, 2022

Virginia small business owner concerned about government regulations, taxes

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 15, 2022) – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, today released the latest video in a series featuring small business owners explaining how Washington’s proposed tax increases would hurt their ability to operate, survive, and thrive.

The video series “In Their Own Words” features small business owners from around the country and is part of NFIB’s Small Business Survival campaign, a coordinated advocacy effort that highlights why tax increases would be harmful to America’s small businesses.

The latest video in the series features Tina Miller, owner of Walkabout Outfitter in Virginia. Between the six Walkabout Outfitter locations, she employs 30 to 40 employees.

Miller explains, “You know, at the end of the day I think one thing that’s really important for people to realize, for the government to realize, is that small businesses are huge in the economy. I mean, if we continue to do regulations, as well as taxation, that hurts small businesses, and we go out of business that ends up being (lost) jobs. In our case, you know somewhere between 30 and 40 people would lose their jobs. Make it so that small businesses can stay in business and at the end of the day that means growth for the Virginia economy. And be proactive in that instead of just reactive to when small businesses keep fighting and begging you to please not do these things that hurt us.”

Watch the new Small Business Survival: In Their Own Words video featuring Tina Miller here:

NFIB member Tina Miller discusses how increasing taxes and regulations would hurt her Virginia small business. from NFIB Video on Vimeo.

The Small Business Survival campaign is a coordinated advocacy effort that includes targeted traditional and digital advertising, media initiatives, research, grassroots, lobbying, and other efforts that will highlight why tax increases would be harmful to small businesses while holding members of Congress accountable for their support of tax hikes and mandates.

More information about the campaign can be found here: and here:

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