NFIB Launches National Radio Ad Campaign Thanking Members of Congress for Supporting Small Business Deduction

Date: May 13, 2024

Radio Ads Recognize 10 Lawmakers for Working to Stop Massive Tax Hike on Small Businesses

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 13, 2024) – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, announced a new paid advertising campaign launching today across the nation featuring targeted radio ads. The ads thank specific members of Congress for supporting efforts to make the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent by passing the Main Street Tax Certainty Act.

“Small business owners want to see Congress take action and make the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent,” said NFIB Vice President of Federal Government Relations Jeff Brabant. “Main Street is at risk of a massive tax hike if the Small Business Deduction expires in 2025. Passing the Main Street Tax Certainty Act should be a top priority for Congress and we are encouraged that this important bipartisan legislation has been introduced in both Chambers. We urge Congress to pass it and thank these lawmakers for their leadership for small businesses on this issue in their states and districts.”

Listen to the radio ads here:

The radio ads will run in targeted markets and states thanking Senator Bill Cassidy (LA), Senator Tim Scott (SC), Senator Thom Tillis (NC), Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), Senator Joni Ernst (IA), Rep. Jason Smith (MO-08), Rep. Lloyd Smucker (PA-11), Rep. Mike Kelly (PA-16), Rep. Kevin Hern (OK-01), and Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05) for supporting making the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent.

The 20% Small Business Deduction (Section 199A) allows small businesses organized as pass-throughs (S corporations, LLCs, sole proprietorships, or partnerships) the ability to deduct up to 20% of qualified business income and is scheduled to expire in 2025.

NFIB President Brad Close recently penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal where he discussed the importance of the 20% Small Business Deduction for Main Street businesses nationwide.

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