2023-2024 Victories from the Colorado Legislature

Date: May 28, 2024

Smoother filing of sales taxes, safe harbor for vendors highlight accomplishments for small business

Won Smoother Filing of Sales Taxes

House Bill 1041 streamlines the process for the filing of sales taxes, which NFIB has fought a decade.

Secured Safe Harbor for Vendors Victims of Erroneous Data

Senate Bill 023, complementary to HB 1041, require that local taxing jurisdictions hold harmless vendors that rely on erroneous data in certain electronic systems related to sales and use tax that are managed by the department of revenue.

Defeated Ban on New Oil and Gas Permits

Senate Bill 159 would have ceased awarding new oil and gas permits. Backed by a poll of the NFIB Colorado membership showing a 98% opposition to SB 159, NFIB was able to help kill the bill.

Stopped Expansion of Deceptive Practices Laws

House Bill 1014 would expose more businesses to frivolous lawsuits by expanding the state’s deceptive practices laws.

Halted Another Run at Single-Payer Health Care

House Bill 1075 would require the Colorado School of Public Health to conduct a thorough study on the implementation of a single-payer health-care system in the state that has already been rejected by voters because of enormous costs.

Beat Back Attempt to Monopolize Broadband Projects

House Bill 1245 would effectively shutout non-union companies from competing on any of the state’s broadband projects funded by the Colorado Broadband Office.

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